Scottish star fronts US classic

Sara Stewart and Paul Albertson in rehearsal, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.Sara Stewart and Paul Albertson in rehearsal, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
Sara Stewart and Paul Albertson in rehearsal, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
Celebrated Scottish actress Sara Stewart leads the cast in the iconic role of Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? at Eastgate Theatre, Peebles.

Sarah Stewart, who is well known to audiences from her appearances in the likes of Rebus, The Night Manager and Batman Begins, has also recently appeared on the West End stage in Hay Fever, and played opposite Gwyneth Paltrow in the Pulitzer Prize-winning play Proof.

Produced by Rapture Theatre as part of their ‘Iconic Season’ productions that celebrate some of the most formidable, complex and flawed characters ever to feature in American drama, the play is sure to have audiences enthralled.

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Albee’s play centres on a marathon night of drinking, debauchery and duplicity that ensues when Martha and her middle-aged professor husband George invite an unsuspecting young couple, Nick and Honey, around for a nightcap. As the drinks flow – spiked with vicious humour and verbal sparring – and night turns to morning, searing secrets are exposed.

A scathingly funny and at times brutal portrait of relationship dysfunction, the work is an intimate, visceral experience. Performance is on Saturday, May 13, at 7.30pm. Tickets £14 from