Ancrum bonfire's future is looking bright again

Screen family from Galashiels made the trip to Ancrum for the bonfire night, Carson, Claire, Macey, Jolene and Hudson.Screen family from Galashiels made the trip to Ancrum for the bonfire night, Carson, Claire, Macey, Jolene and Hudson.
Screen family from Galashiels made the trip to Ancrum for the bonfire night, Carson, Claire, Macey, Jolene and Hudson.
The future of Ancrum's Guy Fawkes night is looking bright once again after a bonfire and fireworks display was enjoyed by hundreds on the village green.

Ancrum community councillor, Stuart Turnbull, said the mild and clear night ensure it was a busy event.

“We had a good crowd who seemed to enjoy themselves and were treated to an excellent 15 minute display from the fireworks team,” he said. “Food vendors also did a brisk trade with queues for fish and chips and ice-cream all night.

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Ian, Katia and Anna Nicholl go to Ancrum bonfire night every year.Ian, Katia and Anna Nicholl go to Ancrum bonfire night every year.
Ian, Katia and Anna Nicholl go to Ancrum bonfire night every year.

“Thanks go to the volunteers who helped build the bonfire, arrange the fireworks and tidy the green afterwards and the police who assisted with putting on the event.

“It has been a success, so we can be assured that it can keep going, which was a concern after last year.”

Ancrum has celebrated every November 5 for well over 15 years, priding itself on being putting on “an event that organises itself”. But its future was left in doubt after last year’s bonfire was extinguished by fire crews when police deemed not enough supervision or stewarding was in place. This year the community council took on the formal organising in a bid to ensure the local event continues to burn brightly.

“We still had a lot of people there but thankfully not the same influx which caused traffic problems last year,” Stuart added.

“There was such an influx of people last year but I think people were more sensible with their travel parking arrangements this year.”