Beacons to be lit across the Borders for the Queen's 90th birthday

Thousands of Borderers watched the Queen open the new Borders Railway at TweedbankThousands of Borderers watched the Queen open the new Borders Railway at Tweedbank
Thousands of Borderers watched the Queen open the new Borders Railway at Tweedbank
Beacons and bonfires will be lit in a number of Borders locations on Thursday, April 21, to mark the Queen's 90th birthday.

In addition to the Queen lighting the principal beacon at Windsor Castle, beacons will also be lit at the top of the highest peaks in each part of the United Kingdom (Ben Nevis, Mount Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Slieve Donard).

In the Borders, beacons/bonfires will be lit at 8.30pm at the following locations: Hawick, Kelso, Galashiels, Lauder, Bonchester Bridge, Peniel Heugh, Selkirk, Newcastleton, Eildon Hills and Morebattle. Some of these may be open to the public and will be advertised locally.

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The official celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday are taking place on Sunday, June 12, with a patron’s lunch for 10,000 people in The Mall, London.

Communities the length and breadth of the country are also being encouraged to hold their own celebrations to mark the occasion, and currently events are being planned in Bonchester Bridge and Chester, Earlston, Galashiels, Hawick, Kelso, Lauder, Melrose, Newcastleton, St Boswells, and Selkirk.

Other communities are encouraged to hold their own event and can apply for funding through Scottish Borders Council’s Community Grant Scheme.

The Lord-Lieutenant of Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale, Gerald Maitland-Carew said: “I know that the people of the Borders will wish to join me in congratulating Her Majesty The Queen on her forthcoming 90th birthday and I would like to encourage all communities to consider putting on their own events on June 12 to coincide with the celebrations taking place on The Mall that day.”

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Community groups of all kinds, Community Councils, places of worship and schools can apply for funding through the grant scheme. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, May 31.

Further information about the grant scheme and a short application form for funding towards events for the Queen’s birthday is available at

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