Borders MSP backs thrombectomy campaign

Borders MSP Rachael Hamilton is backing a campaign calling on the Scottish Government to reinstate thrombectomy (the interventional procedure of removing a blood clot from a blood vessel) services.
She, pictured right, met representatives of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) in Holyrood to discuss their Bring Back Thrombectomy campaign.Borders MSP Rachael Hamilton is backing a campaign calling on the Scottish Government to reinstate thrombectomy (the interventional procedure of removing a blood clot from a blood vessel) services.
She, pictured right, met representatives of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) in Holyrood to discuss their Bring Back Thrombectomy campaign.
Borders MSP Rachael Hamilton is backing a campaign calling on the Scottish Government to reinstate thrombectomy (the interventional procedure of removing a blood clot from a blood vessel) services. She, pictured right, met representatives of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) in Holyrood to discuss their Bring Back Thrombectomy campaign.
Borders MSP Rachael Hamilton is backing a campaign calling on the Scottish Government to reinstate thrombectomy (the interventional procedure of removing a blood clot from a blood vessel) services.

She met representatives of Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) in Holyrood to discuss their ‘Bring Back Thrombectomy’ campaign. The limited thrombectomy service was shelved in last year, meaning that 600 stroke patients will miss out on this procedure.

Thrombectomy is a highly-specialised procedure suitable for one in 10 people after an acute ischaemic stroke.

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Without this procedure, people suffering the most severe types of stroke are likely to be more disabled when they are discharged from hospital and become less able to care for themselves.

The campaign calls on the government to commit to funding a national thrombectomy service through specialist centres and to making sure thrombectomy services are up and running in 2019.

Twenty-five stroke consultants have written to health secretary Jeane Freeman in support of the campaign and more than 3,000 people have signed CHSS’s petition.

Ms Hamilton, pictured on the right at the Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland display, is calling on the government to follow the example of NHS England in expanding services, commenting: “Thrombectomy services are vital for those who have suffered a stroke, and it is important that we see these reinstated.

“It is concerning that these services were withdrawn in the first place, as the procedure can prevent serious damage occurring to the stroke sufferer in the aftermath of a stroke.”