Driving dangerously at Tesco leads to ban

Selkirk Sheriff courtSelkirk Sheriff court
Selkirk Sheriff court
A Peebles woman has been banned from the road after colliding with a trolley pushed by a pensioner in the town’s Tesco car park.

Janice Wood (46) of Connor Street, pleaded guilty at Selkirk Sheriff Court to a charge of dangerous driving on March 31.

She admitted failing to keep a proper look out and drove at excessive speed while reversing and collided with a trolley pushed by a 70-year-old woman.

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Defence lawyer Mat Patrick admitted his client had been upset and angry after being confronted by two members of Tesco staff who had confronted her on where she had parked.

He added: ”As soon as this happened she got out of her car and went to the lady to make sure she was okay. She accepts the consequences could have been more serious.”

Wood was disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined £250 with a £20 Victim Surcharge imposed. She will also required to re-sit her driving test when the ban expires.

In a separate matter she pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner in an incident involving her ex-partner in High Street, Peebles, on January 27 and was fined £200 with a £10 Victim Surcharge imposed.

A one-year non-harassment order was also made preventing Wood from having any contact with her ex-partner.