Police treating Hawick and Peebles businesses break-ins as linked

South Parks industrial estate in Peebles.South Parks industrial estate in Peebles.
South Parks industrial estate in Peebles.
Police believe multiple break-ins to premises in Hawick and Peebles last night are connected.

A number of businesses in Glentress and South Park Industrial Estate in Peebles, as well as some in Hawick, were targeted by thieves.

Police are appealing for witnesses and information.

Detective Inspector Ben Leathes said: “Enquiries are currently ongoing into break-ins at a number of business premises in the Borders overnight between the evening of Wednesday, May 20, and the morning of Thursday, May 21.

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“These premises include businesses in the Glentress and South Park Industrial Estate area of Peebles and in Hawick.

“We are keeping an open mind but these incidents all appear to be linked.

“Extensive enquiries are ongoing and officers are currently following a number of lines of investigation.

“We would ask anyone who has information or who saw any suspicious individuals or vehicles operating in the area overnight to come forward.”

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland by calling 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting incident 0446 of Thursday, May 21.