Building trust and having great fun

Your dog will love a good walk with you in the wonderful Borders countryside.Your dog will love a good walk with you in the wonderful Borders countryside.
Your dog will love a good walk with you in the wonderful Borders countryside.
There are lots of activities you can do with your dog but nothing compares to a quality walk with you.

Many humans forget that a walk is an important event for a dog. Running quickly around the block, forcing it to walk to heel or jerking the lead is not the walk your dog will ever want.

Walking together should build trust, strengthen the bond between you, and be fun!

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Even on the lead your dog can enjoy a walk if you get the training and equipment right. Loose-lead walking (a relaxed lead and no pulling) is the way to go. You can find information on the internet or a class that does this type of training.

A long lead (not a flexi-lead) gives your dog a chance to move around, making it feel more confident and relaxed.

Think about using a harness, especially if your dog pulls har, because a collar can damage its neck (take advice on the best harness for your dog’s shape).

When walking, give your dog a chance to explore and smell the world.

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Using its nose is important for a dog’s well-being, helping to calm it and improve brain function.

Go to new locations - dogs can get bored with the same walk every day and enjoy visiting places they’ve never been.

If it’s safe, give your dog choices and let it decide which way to go or which path to follow.

Be like a dog; climb a hill, walk through mud, paddle in the river, look for adventure. Your dog will love you for it.

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If possible, walk with other dogs because dogs love walking together.

Why not bring your dog to the Borders Pet Rescue, Big Borders Dog Walk on Sunday, June 25, and join lots of doggies for a great walk!