Charitable riders saddle up for veterans

British Legion bikers who have raised cash to send veterans to the Arboretum memorial. Photo: Alwyn Johnston.British Legion bikers who have raised cash to send veterans to the Arboretum memorial. Photo: Alwyn Johnston.
British Legion bikers who have raised cash to send veterans to the Arboretum memorial. Photo: Alwyn Johnston.
As Borderers gather to pay their respects to the country's fallen this Sunday in our towns and villages, a band of bikers have raised £2,000 to help send a group of veterans to a national armed forces memorial.

The members of District 6 Royal British Legion Riders have been fundraising at various Borders events to raise the cash, which will go towards paying for local veterans to spend a weekend at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire next September. The group’s Kenny Syme joined members at a special veterans’ breakfast at the Galashiels branch on Saturday to hand over the cheque.

Kenny said: “It will go towards funding the trip.”