Tweed anglers show they're for reel

Janice Hogarth, with ghillie Steve DicksonJanice Hogarth, with ghillie Steve Dickson
Janice Hogarth, with ghillie Steve Dickson
Angling enthusiasts have landed top prizes after some successful fishing at one of the country's greatest spots '“ the River Tweed.

Janice Hogarth and Andrew Kitchingham cast themselves in role of adult and junior winners of the Bemersyde Trophy for the best Tweed salmon caught and released on the fly in 2016.

The silverware was presented recently at Bemersyde House by Douglas Dobie, chairman of the Tweed Foundation.

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Janice, from Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, hooked a 35lb salmon at Weavers Pool in Upper Caberstoun, near Walkerburn, accompanied by ghillie, Steve Dickson. Janice’s husband David, also a keen angler, recalled that the water had been low on a dull day and the fish was caught with a home-made design of fly, which was “just something I played with”.

Junior entry winner Andrew Kitchingham.Junior entry winner Andrew Kitchingham.
Junior entry winner Andrew Kitchingham.

Janice’s endeavours earned her the adult trophy, while the junior prize went to Andrew Kitchingham, who reeled in a 12lb fish at Hendersyde, near Melrose, with the help of his dad Kitch, who was also his ghillie on the day.

Pictured are Steve and Janice, and Andrew, with their prize catches.